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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quick DBA update on Oralce Applications R12 install, upgrade and admin scripts..

Hi to all,
In this blog I will discuss some of the main points which an Apps dba should know about Install, Upgrade and admin scripts. So lets begin with Installer

Main points about Installer:
1) config.txt is now configSID.txt , for adding node, you can use configSID.txt or get details from database directly using host.domain:port:sid format
2) Install types: Standard and Express
3) Shared APPL_TOP, COMN_TOP and tech stack as well, but not for Windows
4) Easy load balancing of CP and Web communications
5) Technology Stack Components : Oracle 10g R2 Database home, Oracle Developer 10i (forms, reports) and Oracle 10g Application Server 10.1.2 (http server)
6) Java Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 is automatically installed by Rapid Install
7) Disk Space : Applications node 28 GB , Fresh DB 45 GB, Vision DB 133 GB, Stage for fresh install 33 GB, TEMP 500 Mb
8) Create Stage : CD's are in DVD Format, and run to create dir structure, which requires perl 5.0053 in PATH, and creates subdirectories startCD, oraApps, oraDB, oraAS, and oraAppDB under stage12
9) Want to install on virtual hostname, use -servername as command line parameter with rapidwiz. There are 2 more command line parameters, -restart to restart any failed install, and -techstack to install only technology stack.
10) Incase of multiuser installation, start installer using root account
11) For additional language, you must use OAM (oracle applications manager)
12) There is new concept of INST_TOP which mainly stores instance specific files including runtime files, log files and configuration files
13) In R12 there are Services concept instead of nodes (forms/web/concurrent). Following is the list of services in R12 :
* Root Service Group which supports • Oracle Process Manager (OPMN)
* Web Entry Point Services which supports • HTTP Server
* Web Application Services which supports • OACORE OC4J • Forms OC4J • OAFM OC4J
Batch Processing Services which supports • Applications TNS Listener • Concurrent Managers • Fulfillment Server
Other Service Group which supports • Oracle Forms Services • Oracle MWA Service
* : Thses services must be installed on same / one machine (which is nothing but Web node, according to 11i )
14) Regardless of type of services confugured on perticular server, all files (forms, reports, jsp) are stored in APPL_TOP (Unified), basically to have pure 3 tier arch
15) Installer gives option to configure OCM (Oracle configuration manager) where in OCM keeps track of key Oracle and OS stats. This collected data is sent to oracle support via https for better understanding of issues and quick resulations to any issues reported

Main points about Upgrade:
1) You can only upgrade to R12 from 11i, if you are at older version (like 10.7 or 11.0.3 etc), you must upgrade first to 11i, and then upgrade to R12
2) High level R12 Upgrade process :
• Run rapid installer first time to layout new file structure and tech stack
• Migrate or Upgrade database to 10g R2
• Run Autopatch to run database driver to bring DB to R12 level
• Run rapid installer second time to configure and start services

Admin Scripts: - run autoconfig - stop all services - start all services - start/stop/status Apache only - start/stop/status OC4J Forms - start/stop/status Forms server in socket mode - start/stop/status OC4J oacore - start/stpp/status OC4J oafm - start/stop/status opmn - start/stop RPC listeners (FNDFS/FNDSM) - start/stop Concurrent Manager - start/stop FNDSM - start/stop Fulfillment Server - Cloning preparation script - Execute sql scripts that update the profiles in an AutoConfig run - Call java executable with additional args, (used by opmn, Conc. Mgr)

Note: To understand this page, you should have prior knowledge or background of APPS 11i

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