Are you an Apps 11i DBA and want to learn R12?
Here are some of the things you can try out your self and get confidence of working on R12
* Install R12.5 (HRMS + FIN)
* Languages: US and F
* Setup Workflow mailer
* Upgrade Discoverer version
* Apply latest CPU patches
* Apply latest High Priority patches
* Upgrade to latest certified DB version
* Install XX_TOP
* Custom Standard manager for SYSADMIN requests
* Configure BPEL
* Configure Database Data guard (Optional)
* Configure R12 Monitoring through OEM
* Configure printer
* Configure iRecruitment (concept only, using virtual servers, host entries etc)
* Configure DBVault
* Configure UPK
These steps are not in sequence, so you have to apply some logic before you do it.
Also you have to search Metalink / OTN / other sites to get the details steps for one major step.
And, lastly, dont forget to take backup before any major change you making.. :-)
After doing all this, I am sure you can support R12 with confidence..